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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Gopinath MuthukaaD - Pronunciation advice

The second Indian to ever win the prestigious Merlin award is a gentleman by the name of Gopinath MuthukaaD. Though the name doesn't seem to be difficult, it is being mauled in various ways on all channels. So I thought this might help.

Well first let's try and break this name up

Go-pee-naath mutu-kaaD

If you can read Hindi, the name would read like this गोपीनाथ मुतुकाडअ. A small vowel sound at the end would make it better, like a schwa, but you can also read it as मुतुकाड

If you can read Malayalam (you would not be having trouble in the first place :)), the name would read like this

ഗോപിനാഥ് മുതുകാട്

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